Man with a pan

Our award winning programme of cookery courses for men
We won ITV’s Peoples Project and The BBC’s Community Hero award for this project which offers men of all ages who live alone, are isolated or in some way vulnerable, the opportunity to learn how to cook and be healthy while making friends, being active and building community.

what's in the cookery course?
During the course, the men learn a portfolio of fundamental dishes, basic cookery techniques, menu planning and food hygiene. Every week the group prepares a meal which they share together and take another meal or two away for later.

Our aim is to help the men to develop the skills and confidence to be able to cook and eat good food. The courses are good fun and sociable, encouraging the men to make new friends and feel supported.

We run this project in-house, and are commissioned to deliver courses as an outreach service. We also offer online courses. Thanks to our funders, we have free places available on all in-house Man with a Pan courses.
Join a Man with a Pan course:
Man with a Pan – Lewes
Man with a Pan – Baking for Wellbieng
Man with a Pan recipe book
Our Man with a Pan recipe book is a collection of over 150 delicious and versatile recipes developed for our award-winning Man with a Pan cookery project for older and vulnerable men.
The book costs £15 plus postage (UK only) and all profits go towards continuing this project.